Professional Dispositions Assessment
Aligned to INTASC Standard 9
Professional Disposition Statement
My Personal Teaching Philosophy Video Reflection
My Personal Professional Growth Plan
Personal Growth
Aligned to INTASC Standard 9
Professional Dispositions Assessment
Please indicate your level of agreement
with each statement listed below using the response scale of 1-5. Use this
assessment to inform your Professional Dispositions Statement.
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 =
Disagree 3 = Undecided 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
Professional Dispositions Criteria
I believe a teacher must
use a variety of instructional strategies to optimize student learning.
I understand that students learn in many
different ways.
I demonstrate qualities of humor, empathy,
and warmth.
I am a thoughtful and responsive listener.
I assume responsibility when working with
I believe that all students can learn.
I believe it is important to involve all
students in learning.
I believe the classroom environment a
teacher creates greatly affects students' learning and development.
I view teaching as an important
I understand that teachers’ expectations affect
student learning.
I view teaching as a collaborative effort
among educators.
I understand that students have certain
needs that must be met before learning can take place.
I am sensitive to student differences.
I communicate caring, concern, and a willingness
to become involved with others.
I am punctual and reliable in my
I maintain a professional appearance.
I believe it is my job to create a
learning environment conducive to the development of students’
self-confidence and competence.
I respect the cultures of all students and
am sensitive to cultural norms.
I honor my commitments.
I treat students with dignity and respect
at all times.
I am willing to receive feedback and
assessment of my teaching.
I am patient when working with students.
I am open to adjusting and revising my
plans to meet student needs.
I communicate in ways that demonstrate
respect for the feelings, ideas, and contributions of others.
I believe it is important to learn about
students and their communities.
Professional Disposition Statement
Aligned to INTASC Standard 9
Disposition Statement:
believe that all students, regardless of background, are capable of learning
and that they deserve an equal opportunity to receive that education. I believe
that it is my job as an educator to reach out to those students most in need
and to offer them my assistance whenever and however I can, serving as a
support system and advocate as required. I believe that the learning
environment should be welcoming, safe, inclusive, and functional in a way that
enhances the student’s ability to learn. I believe that teachers are lifelong
learners and that we must be willing to see our faults and work to improve
ourselves constantly, including graciously receiving feedback from other
value my students and welcome their diversity, individuality, heritage, goals,
personal beliefs, and rights, and I treat each student with dignity, respect,
and hold each of them to the same high expectations. I believe that teachers
must be flexible, open to change, and able to quickly adapt but must also
maintain routines and uphold their commitments and promises. Ultimately, a
teacher must be dedicated to the students above all else and willing to walk
the extra miles that are required of them while educating the future leaders of
the world.
Throughout the course of my degree
program at Grand Canyon, I have grown exponentially as a professional educator.
Not only have I learned the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of my trade, but I have also
learned a great deal about interacting with others and presenting myself in a professional
manner that still appears approachable and friendly. Even then, I still feel
that I have a long way to go in becoming the ideal and experienced educator; I
feel that my assessment reflects the confidence that I have in my skills while
still managing to acknowledge that I am not yet perfectly skilled in some
areas. These are the areas where I know I still need to improve myself as an
educator. Taking feedback graciously is one area where I feel that I can
improve as I am quick to take criticism personally and to view it as harsh even
when I am aware that it was not intended in that way. To improve myself in this
area, I will attempt to view the criticism as objectively as possible,
considering all angles of the issue before reacting.
Most of the beliefs that I entered
my degree program with remain intact and this includes things like believing
that all students are capable of learning and that all students deserve an
education, that there are many ways that students can learn and that all
students should be afforded the respect and dignity that we would want to have
ourselves. I now more fully understand and appreciate what students must offer
each other in terms of diversity and learning from each other’s unique
backgrounds and experiences and I further understand the importance of
integrating different cultures, perspectives, and religions from around the
world as there is always something we can learn from others and expanding their
worldview is important to creating well-rounded and decent people who respect each
other’s differences.
My Personal Teaching Philosophy Video Reflection
Aligned to INTASC Standard 9
My Personal Professional Growth Plan
Aligned to INTASC Standard 9
Personal Growth
Complete the chart below to plan your professional
development over the next 2-3 years. Be sure your goals are specific and
Goal #1:
Complete my Master’s
Goal #2:
Seek ELL
Goal #3:
Join the NCTE
Rationale: Why did you
choose this goal? How do you expect it to improve the outcomes of your future
chose this goal for two reasons. First, it can help me to get ahead in my
career. While it is possible to get ahead with only a bachelor’s in the
teaching field, the master’s degree gives teachers that extra push and can
help certify them as specialists in their field, can lead to increased
endorsements and a wider area of expertise.
if I have a group of students that struggles with any particular area, my
master’s degree knowledge and training may be just what I need to help them.
Beyond this, however, should I decide to earn my Masters in Elementary
Education and seek a K-12 endorsement, I will be better equipped to help a
wider array of students.
chose this goal because I will very likely be working in an area where the
local school districts have a large Hispanic population and where many
students are first or second-generation Hispanic immigrants.
districts also face an increased rate of ELL students with a high teacher
turnover rate and this makes the hunt for certified ELL teachers a year-round
if I eventually decide not to work exclusively with ELL kids, I can still
make use of the teaching methods taught to me during this program to reach
out the native-English speaking students who need extra assistance in the ELA
chose this goal because the NCTE is the National Council of Teachers of
group claims world-wide collaboration and networking for all English
would be of benefit to me and my students as I would have increased access to
ELA resources and an easy and sure fire way to find interesting lesson plans.
End Date: By when do you
expect to accomplish this goal?
expect to have earned by Master’s degree by May 2020.
expect to earn an ELL Endorsement by May 2021.
expect to have joined the NCTE by September 2018.
Action Timeline:
What steps
will you take to complete this goal, and by when will you take them?
1/31/18: Join AACTE
1. I will finish my Bachelor’s degree from GCU and
finish my student teaching in May 2018.
2. I will apply for Colorado State Teaching Licensure
in May 2018.
3. I will begin applying to Grad Schools with the
specialty Masters of Education degrees that interest me in May and June of
4. I will work through my Master’s program while
working as a teacher full time.
completing my Bachelor’s degree from GCU and my Master’s degree from an
as-of-yet-unknown school, I will see ELL certification through the state of
will require studying, a certain number of hours spent, hands-on, with ELL
students, and some kind of state-determined qualifications and skill set test.
will complete my Bachelor’s from GCU and apply for my CO state teaching
this is done and I have landed a job for the coming school year, I will join
the NCTE.
Resources: What resources
are available to assist you in accomplishing your goal?
Canyon University offers many Masters in Education degrees that I have
considered but I have not fully made up my mind yet.
Colorado University offers an accelerated Masters of Elementary Education
that has also interested me but, again, I have not yet decided.
offers a number of ELL based resources and, I believe, a degree program.
other resources include my fellow teachers and the resources included trough
the district.
NCTE itself is the resource.
Professional and Updated Resume
Jesika Miller